In the framework of the Erasmus Days 2023, a European initiative to celebrate the Erasmus Plus Programme, EU-Track organises on 13/10/2023 the multiplier event targeting mainly the higher education sector and, more generally, the lifelong learning community at the school "Don Adriano Bragazzi" in Terracina.
The event targets all stakeholders that stand to gain from the proposed game-based learning intervention for environmental education, including students, educators, and others.
The audience has the opportunity to reflect on the need for developing awareness and skills for responsible natural resource management and how the proposed active,
game-based learning intervention can enrich existing educational practices, developing responsible citizens.
In addition, the participants will be guided in a workshop and an open discussion to verify any possibility of transferring the project results to different sectors or target groups.
Finally, the audience has the opportunity to explore the digital learning game developed in the context of the project.
Participation in the seminar is free, subject to registration via the online form by October 11th 2023:
For further information, please contact
#ErasmusDays 2023